is your thoughts that make you what you are and impact
immensely the person you are becoming. Your thoughts if
repeated can become imprinted onto your mind, creating
who and what you are, your beliefs, behaviour, and
You should at all times try to control your thought patterns, for if they are left alone to run free they may create a reality that you really don't care for. Thoughts are yours to have full control over and not allow external influencers to manipulate them; others may try to hijack then impact or manipulate your reality via your thoughts.
control those thoughts and not the others around you want. With nurturing and care really profound thoughts can be yours, to enlighten your life, solve your problems, creating the ideas and plans that can truly change your life for the better; making your reality match your desires.
Your thoughts become your words and deeds, your very self, your persona that others recognize; so, for this reason, you should always take care of what you think, and what influences you to expose your minds to.
If you focus your mind enough upon any issue or
matter that needs a firm solution then the ideas
that will solve it will flow freely.
It is wise for you to keep your thoughts under
control, for if they are given the chance they will
run amok and cause havoc.
own secret Place: To find the answers or ideas
and solutions to the daily matters of your life you
need to have your own secret place where you can go
to be alone, relax and think. In this place, your
thoughts will flourish.
Always believe in the magic of life, being true to your beliefs at all times - never ever compromise in what your beliefs are and what you truly believe in.