your memories are what made you what you are today, the
good and the bad alike. So hold these memories dear and
never forget them for they are the essence of who you
are, a testament to your life to date.
Memories should be always cherished, for when you die they are all that you can take with you from this earth. They will be always there for you to remember and reflect upon throughout eternity, for some this can be heaven and for others, it can become a hell.
You can learn a great deal by reflecting upon the what has happened in the past by studying your memories, recalling what happened in certain situations; all the things that you could have done differently given a second chance; what you could have been done better; what should have been avoided. These reflections have the potential to help your decision making in the future.
you can take with you when you die are your
memories. The riches and all material things become
worthless to you in a moment, so hold your memories
dear - for they are a testament to your adventure
through life.
memories of the people you have met in your life
will be with you always; the ones you liked, the
ones you hated. All have contributed to what you are
today - in one way or another; each of them has
changed you forever in some way great or small.
places that have special significance, either for
some experience or related to some person should
always have a special place within your memories,
never forget them for they will offer comfort in
times of reflection.
Always believe in the magic of life, being true to your beliefs at all times - never ever compromise in what your beliefs are and what you truly believe in.