harness opportunities that offer the ability to achieve a desired benefit or advantage.
Achieving your true bliss in life is necessary in order to live a life of satisfaction.
Whatever pressure is exhorted upon you to modify or change your beliefs a firm resolution to stick to your principal ideas and goals should remain unchanged, otherwise at some stage regrets are likely to ensue.
Getting stuck in the quagmire of life that is dominated by rote and repetitive subconscious thoughts and actions is daily life for many. Through decisive thoughts aimed at creating value for each new day, a better world can be created.
Time goes by, mostly unnoticed in the hustle and bustle of daily life, so many things to do with so little time to achieve those all those goals. The effect is life becomes an insignificant blur as tasks are achieved one by one, many with only short-term impacts or benefits. The true wonder of life is lost in a haze of things to do, tasks uncompleted, the demands of others, work and family requirements; life becomes a carousel spinning round faster and faster without achieving any memories of long-term value. Creating a life of value that can be treasured does take focused effort and attention, there will always be distractions, but setting priorities of what you really wish to achieve above all else is extremely important. Don't leave the important things in life that have true value until it is too late.
Following personal initiatives is far better than being at the mercy of others influences that don't match what you wish to achieve.
Keeping your life in balance is achieved by paying attention to your Heart-felt desires.
The firm belief in the right or legitimacy to have a life that matches your wishes is necessary in order to achieve a life that is in accordance with your dreams and desire. The deepest thoughts and uncontrolled wanderings of the mind can hinder or completely negate what you wish to achieve. Always maintain a clear intent and focused upon what you want for your life and pursue that undauntingly, irrespective of the roadblocks that may arise to throw you off course.
It is easy to become surrounded by forces that will determine your future irrespective of your own personal desires. It is imperative that control is maintained over the course of your life and the future goals you hold dear.
Being proactive in determining your future is much wiser than taking a passive stance; nothing of substance and value is achieved without a strong focused effort.
Achieving your true bliss in life is necessary in order to live a life of satisfaction.
Whatever pressure is exhorted upon you to modify or change your beliefs a firm resolution to stick to your principal ideas and goals should remain unchanged, otherwise at some stage regrets are likely to ensue.
Getting stuck in the quagmire of life that is dominated by rote and repetitive subconscious thoughts and actions is daily life for many. Through decisive thoughts aimed at creating value for each new day, a better world can be created.
Time goes by, mostly unnoticed in the hustle and bustle of daily life, so many things to do with so little time to achieve those all those goals. The effect is life becomes an insignificant blur as tasks are achieved one by one, many with only short-term impacts or benefits. The true wonder of life is lost in a haze of things to do, tasks uncompleted, the demands of others, work and family requirements; life becomes a carousel spinning round faster and faster without achieving any memories of long-term value. Creating a life of value that can be treasured does take focused effort and attention, there will always be distractions, but setting priorities of what you really wish to achieve above all else is extremely important. Don't leave the important things in life that have true value until it is too late.
Following personal initiatives is far better than being at the mercy of others influences that don't match what you wish to achieve.
Keeping your life in balance is achieved by paying attention to your Heart-felt desires.
The firm belief in the right or legitimacy to have a life that matches your wishes is necessary in order to achieve a life that is in accordance with your dreams and desire. The deepest thoughts and uncontrolled wanderings of the mind can hinder or completely negate what you wish to achieve. Always maintain a clear intent and focused upon what you want for your life and pursue that undauntingly, irrespective of the roadblocks that may arise to throw you off course.
It is easy to become surrounded by forces that will determine your future irrespective of your own personal desires. It is imperative that control is maintained over the course of your life and the future goals you hold dear.
Being proactive in determining your future is much wiser than taking a passive stance; nothing of substance and value is achieved without a strong focused effort.
Always create through your desires the circumstances you wish to experience and how these will evolve.
Your thoughts are seeds for future events.
There is a high potential for circumstances to control thoughts and actions, perhaps positive or perhaps not. Rather than allowing circumstances to control thoughts and actions used thoughts and actions to control circumstances.
While there may appear to be constraints and barriers affecting how your life progresses, in fact, these are easily overcome through perseverance. There is freedom to choose what to pursue in life and how those objectives will be achieved and on what time scale; when these choices drive firm actions and intentions remain dominant and unfaltering the desired goals will be achieved.
The heart power once fully awakened is capable of realizing the things necessary within your reality to make life wonderful. The heart will find peace within your world for you whenever you follow your heart's intuitive messages; as the heart is focused upon the spiritual and eternal as opposed to the trained logic of the mind, which is focused on the material.
Strangely with some fixed desires, by focusing on them while negating their opposites as not being wanted can bring what was actually desired about easier than if attention was placed only directly on what was intended. Like concentrating on what isn't desired comes to bring about a firmer focus on what is desired, making that requirement easier to achieve. It's almost as if thinking what you don't want can enforce what you actually do, enabling the potential for what you really wish to acquire to become stronger.
Believing in or trusting fate is akin to gambling; is such cases
not only the journey but also the destination is completely up for
grabs by unknown forces. Fate can be like walking a tight rope or
walking on thin ice, it could be all right but one false step or
misdirection has potential to turn everything into an undesirable
Everything should be predetermined through careful planning or
thought; if action is taken without sufficient knowledge or
information regarding the potential for what could possibly come
about then unknown uncertainties or surprise scenarios may result.
The power of belief is the driving force for bringing your dreams into reality.
It is within the myriad of chances, opportunities, choices, and decisions which are readily available in this life that makes this experience become the gamble that it truly is.
This is your life, your reality, so you can and should control every element of your time to best suit yourself. In the final analysis, you can formulate and decide each and every element of your existence and determine the unfolding of reality.
Once you have a clear choice or option don't let others degrade or dismiss that, keep it strong, in focus, ensuring not to allow others to attack or weaken your ideas through their words or deeds.
The key element is stability that encompasses a mutual respect between the parties, a desire for give-and-take, ignoring and accepting faults, overlooking minor transgressions, being supportive when necessary, or minding one own business where relevant.
Once trapped into a web of interacting with someone on perhaps some corporate or government level can lead to a complete waste of time and effort trying to obtain a solution or a satisfactory outcome.
You can change an event for the better or for the worst based upon your perception and reaction to what occurs. This is basically a chain reaction whereby the event affects your thinking then in turn your thinking affects the event's conclusion or outcome.
It is your reality so there is no necessity to accept the general consensus or someone else's spin or interpretation of what happened or how you should perceive things if these are contradictory to personal beliefs.
Any focus of attention towards what is happening gives energy and life to the issues that allowed such nuisances to run rampant through daily thoughts in the first place, that focus in turn can cause further instability in whatever attention is placed upon, almost enlivening any intrusion into personal sensibilities.
It is critical to recognise manipulation and whether you are willingly subject to such nefarious controllers. Knowing how to manage or fully negate any attempts to lead you where you don't intend is imperative, while dodging what you wish to avoid through your ability to choose not to fully comply.
Keep a clear focus on the salient points and avoid superfluous details, as some details take away focus from the main issue, which can lead to confusion of the primary issues at hand and prolong whatever you are trying to resolve or eliminate.
Whatever happens, can be viewed through positively creative conclusions or destructive thought patterns. It is ideal to build up a social circle of such like-minded people, they will support you in both times of ease as well as in times of mental or physical distress.
Fear needn't be a negative force as it can be harnessed as a form of warning or planning, thus creating a challenge to transmute the fear that is being sensed. The stimulus caused by fear can be positive where it provides the determination to overcome or negate the element that fear is addressing.
Where the roads lead in life can be personally determined especially when a continuous effort is applied until the end result required has been achieved. Life has many twists and turns to the extent that careful consideration of which route to take is imperative, with an emphasis placed both on what to pursue as being important as well as what needs to be ignored or discarded, are of equal importance.
There are more things active within reality than what can easily be seen or recognised initially, which through searching and looking more deeply it becomes possible to scratch the surface of life's true meaning thereby coming to a better understanding of life's specific and potential purpose.
Don't delay any necessary changes to your life plan, time has a way passing far too quickly, so much so that before you realise too many chances and opportunities have already been completely missed.
The main point that should be considered when overburdened with what may seemingly be an important issue, is the necessary to realise that such concerns are only a temporary nuisance; the options are to either completely forget the issue, or vigorously approach and resolve such matters immediately, there is no in-between state, and no middle ground.
Situations arise that seem important at the moment, demanding your time to be resolved or counteracted; yet upon reflection, looking back over the years, such issues had little true value or benefit connected to them, they were merely distractions that simply took your attention away from more valuable pursuits.
Situations that may occur in your life will demand attention, using up and stealing your valuable time. Avoid letting circumstances dictate and control your thoughts, also don't let others' reality be an overbearing concern, letting such issues dominate causes wasteful distractions.
Don't become a victim of circumstances by surrendering control of your life to obscure things that determine what happens to you. It's nonsense to allow your mind to be manipulated by the reality that you encounter, avoid making excuses to pacify the distorted reality others perceive or create.
It is often not the words that are said but their interpreted meaning or the power with which they were used, rather having an interpretation that depends upon personal perception and how what was heard is allowed to have an impact or subsequent effect.
Words only have the value that they are given, they require the energy or form that is attributed to them to have some impact, be that good or bad. Words carry some energy from whatever is their source; this can be kind and valuable, mean and malicious, gentle and informative. This energy carried by words can be absorbed exactly as intended with the ability to affect you in many ways unless they are deflected or given an alternative passive or positive meaning.
Time is indeed like the wind, which can only be experienced but never grasped physically for at the moment your attempt to do so the chance is gone and life has moved on.
Focus your mind on what you want at this moment in time in this exact reality, otherwise, the specific details of your desires could actually be recognised in a different place in space and time multi-dimensional reality.
The more effort you make to unhinge yourself from time constraints the more you will truly start to become free, the freer you become the more you will begin to know that time truly is effective for the purpose of total manipulation, as some intend it be become.
Change is the energy that creates the opportunity to bring a positive new life to the things that you already have or open up the potential to realise what is desired for the future. Without the element of renewal you are doomed to continually repeat known life's experiences over and over continuously without respite.
Anyone can come to an assumption about anything they want and then when projected with conviction and force has the potential to become generally accepted, this doesn't mean it's a true or a legitimate theory or simply a proposition posing as a fact.
Reality is whatever you wish to make it, you can change your perception of world to suit yourself, but you should not do this to mislead or discredit someone else. Belief is based upon accepting a specific truth exists within your concept of reality, yet if some such concept can't sustain itself in the real world then indeed it must be assumed a lie.